Happy New Year to everyone. Wow, how time flies. As you know, I caught the flu, and somehow it really disrupted the normalcy of life. It took me a while to get back to feeling normal. I couldnt work out, all I could do was rest. I got tired so easily. My first ride back, I pushed a little too hard, and once that heart rate went up, I started feeling dizzy, and just crappy, so it took a while to feel good again.
I now feel like Im back to normal, except for the fact that it is very probable that I tore some ligament (mcl) on both knees. I went skiing and got hooked up in the Tbars, it was probably really funny to watch, but that hurt like hell. This is the first time I have officially "told" anyone about it because I just dont want to admit that something so stupid could've jeopardized my whole race season. Im not bummed too bad because I really think it's going to be okay. Anyway, just when you start rolling, feeling strong, something stupid goes wrong. This is where you can either get pissed or you just roll with it. I choose to roll.
Tonite Im going to the gym and I'm going to spin with a little resistance on the spin bikes. I think that it needs to be spinned out. I have taken a lot of days off, and Im getting antsy not doing anything. I have to be active. It is hard for me to do nothing.
So, T bars...They suck. I have never used them, I've been spoilt, moving here from a ski town, we nver used those. But they probably arent that complicated, I just made them complicated. hahahahhaah!!!!!!
me "modeling" (geeking) my new team jersey for '10:
Next week we are going to Prague. One of my favorite cities in the world. We were planning on going to Tabor for the cx worlds, but I think we just might chill in Prague and enjoy the ambiance of such a great city.
Bavarian sunset