Monday, January 26, 2009

Random musings

Im waking up to another beautiful sunny day!! That is two days in a row now. I even got to wear sunglasses, wow.

There is something so beautiful about sunlight, when you go days with out it, it becomes sort of magical. I made up this story to the kids as I made them sit in the sun for 15 minutes, as they squinted their eyes as if they had been in a cave for months, I tell them an elaborate story of a sun goddess bestowing her magic wand of light upon their little bodies and giving them special powers.
This week is another busy week for me. Im gonna work hard on the training front. Im gonna do the balancing act the best i can, you know, the >kids in one hand, husband, house cleaning and life in the other hand and somewhere squeeze a big training week on the bike in there somewhere.

Trust me, its do-able, Justin and I have been doing it for the past seven years, even toting Gavin as a baby to races, heck, I did my first 24 hour race 6 weeks into my pregnancy with Rylee. I did tell Justin that sometimes I wish it was just one of us that loved this sport so much, it would be easier, but then there would be that defecit in the relationship, you know, the one where the significant other begins to see that the bike is becoming the mistress in the relationship.

So I guess I am happy where it stands. We've been doing it long enough to know it works. I had a friend that would complain she couldnt race anymore with kids, she just couldnt hold a job, be a mom and still have time for the bike. At the time, Justin was working full time, finishing up his masters degree, traveling down to mexico for research for a week at a time, and still managing to race and pull off a few 1st and 2nd place podiums. I just kinda laughed. Its not right, its not wrong, its life and everyone gotta live it the way they think is right.

But, I do get to sleep next to this guy every night, making me the luckiest girl in the world.

Well, enough of this rant, Im making up for not posting forever. haha...
peace, Angie