Friday, July 17, 2009

everbody's workin' for the weekend!

yup!! the weekend is embarking upon me, another funfilled, sweaty, heartpounding couple days of sufferin' and hopefully, some sweet tastin' success to top it all off!!

Yesterday, I went out for a short jaunt, just a little to let the legs know they're still alive. I found this awesome climb or downhill in the woods behind my house. I cant wait to take Justin on it. It would be a better descender, as there are stairs and then it just goes straight down across a wooden plank onto a jeep road.
Today is a complete rest day, as i have found that one day of rest before a big effort seems to make them happier the next day.

Tomorrow's race day is calling for a high in the 50's and rain. How wierd! So I am getting the arm warmers and knee warmers out and rain cover, should make the race more interesting I guess.

Im really contemplating doing the marathon race on Sunday. It wont be easy, but it will be good training, as I am really liking these longer distance races.

On a bummer note, Im really bummed out for my son, he has been training really hard for the race tomorrow and well, last night, he was jumping on a jumping castle and he hurt his wrist. He is having trouble grasping, so now he probably wont race tomorrow, and he was so excited. I feel bad for the little guy.

Post race pics to come!!!! Hope you have a funfilled, sweatsoaked, poundin' heartrate weekend@!

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